Our new website! What to look for

Welcome to the new Stellar Scientific website/catalog!

Because making your life simpler is extremely important to us, we've redesigned our website to make it even easier to find what you need so you can get back to your research. You'll notice immediately that we've brightened up the overall look and invested in high-quality "lightbox" photo images to give you a really clear picture what it is that you are purchasing. Additional things to look for are: 

Product Accessory page

Our vision of clean and simple means minimizing the number of pages you need to scroll through to find what you are looking for. You don't need to see a separate item for every conceivable configuration. To streamline your experience, we've put all accessories (racks, rotors, shelves, etc) in their own category and then broken them down further by specific type. 

Looking for an orbital shaker? You will find those under the orbital shaker section in Benchtop equipment. Want to expand capacity with a stacking platform? Those are in the platform section filed under Product Accessories. And so on.  

Shop by your favorite brands

We are very proud to represent some of the most innovative companies producing quality, general lab items and equipment. You've seen their products on your benchtop for years and have come to know them by name. Whenever possible, we tag our items so you can sort by company brand and zero in on just what you came for. 
