Compact Dry™ YM Ready to Use Medium For Yeast and Mold Testing, With AOAC Certification, 100 Plates

Compact Dry™ YM Ready to Use Medium For Yeast and Mold Testing, With AOAC Certification, 100 Plates

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Compact Dry YM is a simplified medium to determine the detection and enumeration of yeast and mold in food

Yeast and mold can cause various degrees of food decomposition, and invasion and growth may occur on virtually any type of food. Commodities such as grains, legumes, nuts, and fleshy fruits can be invaded prior to harvesting as well as during storage.

Yeast and mold are distributed widely in decaying plant materials, soil, and air. Their presence on unprocessed plant and animal food products is almost assured by harvesting, handling, distribution, and storage practices used in food industries. Inadequate preservation of these food products can result in spoilage

Mixing and dilution culture method has been widely used to determine the microbial count.

The method is time consuming and complicated, requiring operations such as preparation of hot agar, mixing and dilution uniformly and/ or smearing.

To save operator time and make it possible for anyone to perform the microbial count test without difficulty, Compact Dry was developed based on a new concept and technology applicable to the food industry. Compact Dry allows for easy addition of a sample to the device

Ship and store at room temperature. No need for a refrigerator!

Certification by AOAC!

Compact Dry YM has been compared to FDA BAM Chapter 18 for Yeasts, Molds, and Mycotoxins (2001) and certified by the AOAC Research Institute Performance Tested Methods (PTM) Program (Certificate No. 100401) for enumeration of yeasts and molds in fruit products (fresh apples, frozen blueberries, dried banana chips, orange juice, and fresh grapefruit).

A matrix extension comparing Compact Dry YM to ISO 21527-1:2008 for cooked deli turkey, fresh whole tomatoes, Wensleydale cheese, sliced white bread, mayonnaise, and orange juice was approved in 2015

  • Rigid frame with aerobic headspace

  • No need for spreader

  • Stack up to 60 plates

  • Room temperature storage

  • Easily select intact colony for confirmation

  • No interpretation of gas bubbles

  • Gamma irradiated post packaging

Click on the icon below to view a copy of the kit insert

Click on the icon below to view a copy of the testing protocol and interpretation

Click on the icon below to view a copy of the AOAC certification