Labnet ENDURO Horizontal Gel Boxes have been designed with safety and ease of use in mind. Constructed of quality materials, they stand up to everyday use and provide a long, trouble-free service life.
The gel boxes are molded from UV transparent acrylic, for leak-proof performance. Cassettes enclose the electrodes to protect them from breakage and allow for easy cleaning and replacement. Rubber casting gates fit easily onto the gel trays for tape-free gel casting.
Positioning slots on the sides of the trays hold combs in place while pouring gels. The supplied combs are 1.5 mm thick and are adjustable to control well depth. Each gel tray is supplied with a Well comb Mat that can be placed underneath to aid in visualizing wells when loading.
The domed lid and drip ring prevent condensation from falling onto the gel.
Bi-caster allows for casting multiple sized gels in a single package.
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