Plant Tissue Sample

Extracting DNA from plants can be challenging because of their tough cell walls and the inhibitory polysaccharides and tannins released during the extraction process.  Tissue grinding followed by silica beads, columns or organic solvents becomes a multi-step process, both labor-intensive and time-consuming.

The PDQeX phytoGEM kit provides a simple hands-off approach to produce high-quality DNA extraction for most plant-based molecular studies.

Sample prep is easy:

  • a quick punch of the leaf sample onto a storage card
  • also suitable for homogenized or ground plant tissues – whichever sample prep suits your needs
  • no freezing or degradation of the sample.

The PDQeX closed tube system uses our thermophilic proteinase combined with a cocktail of mesophilic cell wall degrading glycosyl hydrolases.

These enzymes systematically lyse cells, destroy nucleases, digest proteins, and release DNA.

Purification is achieved in the same closed tube system.

The entire process, achieved on the PDQeX Nucleic Acid Extractor, achieves PCR-ready DNA in under 15 minutes, helping you to quickly find answers to urgent questions about your plant and your plant’s health.

Detecting plant pathogens? 

phytoGEM has been validated for the detection of the following pathogens:

  1. Bacteria- Xyllela fastidiosa from different fruit trees and berries, Pseudomonassyringae actinidiae (Psa) detection in kiwifruit, Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum from vector Bactericera cockerelli.
  2. Oomycetes- Phytophthora in kauri, pine and oak.
  3. Phytoplasma in grapevines.
  4. Viruses- Cassava Mosaic Virus, Cassava White Fly Virus.

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