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  • All You Need to Know about Vacuum Traps(Post)

    A Cell Culture Lifesaver You Need to Know About  Cell culture labs are some of the cleanest labs around. We all know cell culture scientists form elaborate rituals around setup and cleaning ...

  • ​How to Use a Graduated Cylinder(Post)

    Graduated cylinders, also known as “measuring cylinders”, are one of the more common pieces of laboratory containment equipment, but if you’ve been out of the lab for awhile, you might have forgotten ...

  • Different strokes…. A brief overview of liquid handling tools for your research lab(Post)

    Unless your lab is one of the lucky few that can afford an automated pipetting machine, you can look forward to many hours of tedious liquid handling activities as part of your day to day labora ...

  • ​Introduction to Large Volume Centrifuges(Post)

    Large volume centrifuges aren’t the staple piece of equipment that microcentrifuges are, but what if you need to spin a sample greater than 2 milliliters in volume?These machines are used for centrif ...

  • FAQs(Page)

    Who is Stellar Scientific? Stellar Scientific is a family owned and operated business that distributes life-science lab equipment and supplies.  Our motto is: "We make happy scientists!" We ...
