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56 results for 'Polyacrylamide gels'
Pour Your Own or Buy Precast Polyacrylamide Gels for Electrophoresis? What to Know (Post)
Why Choose Precast Polyacrylamide Gels for Electrophoresis in Proteomics Research?In the fast-paced world of proteomics and biotech research, time is of the essence. Whether you're a seasoned re ...
Are There Protein Gel Electrophoresis Systems Larger Than Mini and Midi Size? (Post)
One of the common methods for analyzing proteins is gel electrophoresis.Using protein gel electrophoresis scientists can separate proteins based on their ionic charge, molecular weight, or both, d ...
How To Choose The Right Power Supply For Gel Electrophoresis (Post)
Gel electrophoresis is the process of using an electrical current to separate charged particles according to their molecular weight and structure as they are pulled through a gel medium.As the ions ...
Sharp And Accurate DNA Ladders Will Help Identify Unknown Targets With DNA Gel Electrophoresis (Post)
Gel electrophoresis is the process of using an electrical current to separate charged particles based on molecular weight and structure as they are pulled through a gel medium.Electrophoresis is co ...
Sizing Up DNA Ladders - These molecular rulers reveal the size of nucleotide fragments (Post)
A Penn State website notes that DNA ladders “are among the most commonly used reagents in molecular biology research.” Also known as DNA molecular weight markers, scientists use these reagents to ...
Should I choose wet or dry transfer methods for my Western blots? (Post)
What is electroblotting?Western blotting is a standard procedure used to analyze proteins. During this process, proteins are separated by their size using SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SD ...